May 30

Last night was a late one. We sat on our friend’s deck looking at the view and listening to tunes. Our kids were in our basement having a sleepover. After relentless pursuit for a sleepover, I finally gave in. The kids pulled an all-nighter. I made it until three am. Read more…

May 29

We launched Serendipity today for a practice run of social distanced fishing. It took three tries before we found a boat launch. Our first try was in Westbank at the yacht club. The boat launch on Gellately road has gone through substantial repairs over the last few years. We thought Read more…

May 28

Pulling weeds is very cathartic. Much like life, sometimes we must remove things before they grow out of control. I spent much of my afternoon and evening pulling weeds. The rewards of a simple task like yanking a dandelion or some morning glory from the earth is somehow satisfying to Read more…

May 26

I have stopped watching our fuzzy faced PM. I have stopped watching the news altogether. It’s all the same, yet in the real world things are starting to return to the way they were before we went into lock down. Traffic is getting heavier all the time. People are walking, Read more…
