June 4

Published by Victor Barr on

Today was a good day. Any day I can ride my motorcycle to go out on my boat is a very good day. Too bad it started so early. I am not used to getting up at 530am. I set my alarm and managed to get out the door by 6:15. I was taking my boss out on the water with his girlfriend to go fishing and take a three-hour tour.

Okanagan Lake was calm and the sun was shining when we set off from the marina at the Manteo resort where Serendipity is moored. It was a pleasant morning, until the big cloud came overhead to block our sun. June in the Okanagan can be hit and miss for weather and sometimes it can change quickly. Fortunately today the weather was on our side.

We cruised leisurely by the amazing lakefront homes in the mission area. Many of the docks have put barrels on the decking to protect them from high water. The water was pretty high and there is less than a foot of space between the water and the decking. The barrels keep the decks down when the waves come up. My friend and boss and his better half enjoyed the views and the scenery despite the chill in the morning air.

There is a boat that is obviously lived in, moored partway down lakeshore road. We cruised by it and we were impressed by the ingenuity displayed by the owner of the vessel. They have covered the whole thing in a durable tarp and it has a chimney coming out the top to exhaust a furnace. We commented on the resilience of anyone that could live like that on the water.

We trolled our way back across the middle of the lake in search of the elusive Rainbow Trout. I regaled them with fishing tales of my past; times I caught large monsters and small wigglers. Sometimes a fishing guide only has stories to spin to keep the guests’ interest peaked. Waiting for a fish to bite is an exercise in patience and anticipation.

When I dropped them at the dock they were filled with the glory that is the Okanagan. The sun had burst out and filled the day with warmth. The blue sky above made the day brighter than most days so far this year.

I fished my way to the Westbank Yacht Club and began my second part of the day. My daughter and her friends have been asking to go on the boat. They were being delivered by Brad to the boat launch in Westbank.

There is something childlike and exciting taking kids on the water and dragging them around on a tube. Our WOW tube is a fun experience and very safe if you want. It has a round section in the middle that is impossible to fall from. For the brave at heart, they can hold on to the outside and risk being thrown into the lake.

The water temperature is only in the lows 50’s F in early June and I was surprised these teens were so excited to get in the water. Only one of our intrepid children fell from the tube early on. I was impressed that he didn’t turn blue in the cold water.

We spent the next two hours spinning around Gellately bay and thrilling my daughter and her friends with exciting rides on the tube. I felt a sensation of excitement and joy watching them connect. There is something about watching people smile that is very infectious. I tired them out and we stopped and relaxed as we watched a dark cloud loom over the horizon. The wind picked up and Brad loaded them back into his van and they headed home for a hot tub.

I was alone again and headed into the wind. It was good practice for me to be on my own, setting my lines and steering the boat. I want to be able to take people fishing this year and need to get used to the larger boat and new set up. I am used to the small confines of my fishing boat. Having to steer and then walk to the back to set lines is a whole new experience that needs to be perfected.

The Luxury Lake Tour boat was safely back on the lift in the marina. I looked forward to my twenty-minute cruise home on the bike. As I rode across the Bennett Bridge from Kelowna to West Kelowna I enjoyed the experience and reflected on what had brought me here. I always wanted to be able to live in the Okanagan and take people boating. Life is about following your dreams. I am very fortunate that I have managed to live my dream.

Our day complete, Brad cooked us burgers and we connected on his deck. Social distance between us is no longer required; our kids have definitely not been social distancing. We looked across the valley from his perch on the deck. An amazing view that’s never tiring, Little White Mountain gleamed in the distance with the last vestiges of snow. Peaking over the top of the mountain climbed the moon. It was a stunning sight to see. Daylight was still around us yet the moon was huge and startlingly clear. We stood in awe as we watched the lunar object climb higher. Enjoying the vista we watched the mountains gleam with the last traces of sunlight. The clouds above glowed red and orange.

The three of us breathed in the beauty of our surroundings. Grateful for the day, I look forward to many more days like this one; ending perfectly with the joy of natures gift.



Categories: Daily Journal


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