June 3

Published by Victor Barr on

Time after covid is traveling in increments for me, in milestones. I am now two months past my fiftieth birthday. I feel younger in some ways than I have in twenty-five. In others I feel every minute of my fifty years and two months. Today was a good day; the boat is on the slip.

I got home and turned on the computer.

I went down the rabbit hole again.

I have a hate, love relationship with facebook. I love keeping in touch with friends from far away in time and space. I love seeing pictures of other peoples travels, I love how in many ways it has brought us closer together. I hate how it tears us apart. I hate the politics, the lies, the fake news. It is so hard to filter all the bullshit. It is hard not to step into the bullshit. It’s hard not to fall down a rabbit hole and lose two hours of my life.

I was raised conservative in Alberta. It’s just what you learned in Calgary. When I was growing up my dad said there were two things you did not talk about with other people; politics and religion. These topics were taboo with all except closest friends. I had no idea who anyone voted for or supported. When I became a man of twenty-five I could be best of friends with anybody. It didn’t matter what they thought about the prime-minister. No one cared about the American President.

Everyone went about their business and no one knew or cared about politics except during a political campaign. Even then it was civil and respectful. Now with the introduction of facebook, twitter and all the dark places people can go on the internet; everything has changed.

I saw someone post that George Floyd had Coronavirus in April and was still positive but asymptomatic. His cause of death was still asphyxiation, but he had covid. The article was from the New York Times. It looked legit. I decided to go to the website and check it out. Sure enough, the headline was there right on the front page. I clicked onto the headline to read the article, it went somewhere else. I was still on the NY Times website but the story about the black shooting victim was gone. I searched the site some more; still no article.

I got side-tracked by the article on Trudeau and his twenty-one-second pause. Twenty-one seconds that spoke volumes about what our PM thinks of Trump. It took him that long to compose himself. That long to keep from saying what he thinks about the president of the united states threatening to bring in the military to stop the protests. Trump actually tweeted about bringing in The army on the streets of america… scary times we are in. Twenty-one seconds, a lifetime, and a blip. I admit my opinion of Trudeau went up in those twenty-one seconds. His best non-answer yet.

I returned to the front page of the New York Times, this time after signing up for a free subscription. There is no sign of the article that brought me there. No story about George. Was a ghost of the story planted in facebook? Did I see what the person that created the fake story wanted?

I keep thinking that this whole plandemic, the deep state narrative that is being shared is a huge distraction. A fake theory that is plausible enough, yet it’s full of holes upon closer inspection. I lost a facebook friend because he is mad I won’t accept his theory, his truth as he calls it. Not that long ago, when I was younger It wouldn’t matter if you didn’t agree with someone. You could still be friends. Not anymore with some people, I guess.

The fact is we may never know what caused this pandemic. If it was human-caused wouldn’t those that caused it to want to prevent the world from finding a vaccine? Wouldn’t they want to discredit any vaccine? The truth is what was done, worked. Was it worth the price?

Now as people want to open up, the posts on social media fly around. Who are the people spinning these posts? Much like during Brexit and the last elections they are designed to distract us, to divide us. I refuse to believe and climb out of the rabbit hole.

I will do my best to avoid the rabbit hole. To continue living in integrity. To continue to love my wife, my kid, my family, and my friends. There is far too much love, trust and understanding in this world to be defeated. We all need to keep on loving each other.

Categories: Daily Journal

1 Comment

Anonymous · June 4, 2020 at 3:10 pm

Very wise, Cal. And the most important thing you brought up was – click on the link and check for yourself if a ‘fact’ sounds too good/bad to be true. Then check another trusted site. I do that now whenever my ‘bulls#$t’ meter goes off.

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