November 3, 2022

Published by Victor Barr on

It started with a trickle of white flakes drifting to the earth. In mere moments the pace increased and snow began circling in the cooling air. Only to disappear in miniature puddles as they hit the ground. Inevitably the first snowflakes gathered upon the grass and stayed.

The pace of the falling snow increased. Until it was a deluge of white reflected in the streetlights and the sky was filled with a crystallized dance.

Winter has finally descended upon our valley.

A white coat embraced the world around me and a mixture of emotions surged through my body. I felt regret for things not done, and hope for the ski season to come. The leaves in the yard lay there in silent misery, not raked or gathered they sat buried by the deluge of white. But in the back of my mind, I sensed my skis calling me, anxious for the first turns on the mountain slopes.

It was a time of change. A transition from the browns and reds of autumn to the cold embrace of a coat of white. The falling snow was a subtle reminder of the passage of time. Only a few short weeks ago we sat in the sun and soaked up the last warm rays and embraced the moment knowing this day would come.

Now it was here

It was a time to embrace a new moment, a new season. It was time to welcome winter in all its glory.

Categories: Daily Journal

1 Comment

Deb Barnes · November 9, 2022 at 8:20 pm

It’s about time!

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