January 21, 2022 Back To The Mountain

Published by Victor Barr on

Barrman and his wife Kaydee scrambled to pack up and go. There was powder at Big White and the hill was calling them. It had been over three weeks since they’d rode the slopes of the mountain home and the snow report was promising. Big Boarder was headed up to the hill and they were anxious to meet him there.

Barrman packed the skis in the car the night before and he was excited to get an early start. But an early start was tough when they were packing to go for five days. 

The alarm clock went off at six in the morning and the pair of skiers crawled out of the comfortable covers and began the process of packing up. You would think that six in the morning was enough time to get prepared and packed to make it for first tracks… you would think.

But for this pair of ski lovers it would not work out that way.

Barrman packed the cooler and Kaydee grabbed the cat supplies. They ate quick and began to load the car. Then Kaydee got an email, Barrman always dreads when she gets an email in the morning. It was work, could she post something right away? It was urgent.

“It will only take a few minutes hon.” famous last words from the web designer.

But Barrman was ok, he kept packing and loading the car. They would make it up in the morning. Maybe not for first tracks but that would be fine they would still have a good day. Besides they were going for a few days so what was an extra thirty minutes anyway?

Kaydee was done in no time and they loaded the car, cats and all. It was eight o’clock and they were still doing ok for time. No first tracks but it was a Wednesday so the hill was bound to be quiet.

“Honey can we stop at the bank? I need to deposit some cheques.” Kaydee smiled at Barrman as they pulled out of the driveway.  

“Sure no problem, it should only take minute.,” Barrman replied, he knew they weren’t going to get there for first tracks so what was another five minutes?

But then there was a car already in the drive through. Figures when you want to be in a hurry what happens? Time ticked slowly as they waited their turn.

“I’m hungry babe, I really need a bite.” said Kaydee as she grabbed the envelope and put her cheques in the machine.

“No problem we can hit Timmies on the way.” Barrman sighed, he was hungry too and Tim Hortons was usually pretty quick. 

They looked at the line for the Tim Horton’s and saw it was short so they pulled in and ordered breakfast croissants and coffee. Sure enough they got one of the orders wrong…

“Man you just can’t get good help anymore,’ Lamented Barrman. “Oh well I’m too hungry to care.”

Traffic was light and they headed toward the bridge and then up to Big White. It was 8:15 and they weren’t too far behind schedule.

Suddenly, Barrman visualized his packing of the skis from the night before. “Shit babe I fucked up”

“What? What did you do now?” Kaydee stared at her husband, a look of worry crept across her face.

“I put the wrong skis in the car last night. I just realized it, I packed the kids skis, not yours… damn it I can’t believe I did that.” Barrman felt like an idiot. There they were at the bridge and on their way to the mountain, powder awaited them. And he packed the wrong skis, Kaydee needed her poles and the skis were set for her. How the heck did he screw that one up?

“I guess I should have doubled checked… what do we do?” Kaydee seemed a bit angry but more just confused.

How did Barrman screw that one up?

“I’ll turn around, we are going for like five days and you need your skis and poles. Sorry hun… fu.. oh damn it anyway.” Barrman crossed the bridge and made a U-Turn at the first intersection. What a bummer. 

“At least you remembered now and not in Black Mountain or even when we got there.” Kaydee was surprisingly calm.

Half an hour later they were back on the bridge. So much for first tracks.

“Sure glad we got up at six…” Kaydee scowled at Barrman.

“I know, I owe you one.” Barrman felt like a total jackass, but there was nothing they could do except get top the mountain.

The snow was deep in the parking lot as they pulled in to their mountain home. Barrman backed into the garage and unloaded the car. It was time to go catch up to Big Boarder.

In record time they unloaded the car grabbed a bite and Barrman threw on his skis and headed out the door.

Kaydee stayed behind to catch up on some work, “have fun, see you in a while.”

Big Boarder and Barrman connected at the bottom of the ridge and headed to the top of the hill. Krispee was there and the three of them found some fresh lines in the trees off Born To Run one of their favourite blue runs on the Ridge chair.

“Let’s head to the top of the T and find our favourite lines.” Barrman called as the got back on the chair. Despite the thick fog the skier looked over at his boarder friends hoping they would join him.

When they reached the top they could barely see, Krispee grinned at the two buddies, “I’m going to head down, you two have fun finding the pow.”

“Thanks, it was nice riding with you.” Big Boarder waved at her as she turned her snowboard into the fresh snow beside the T-Bar.

The two buddies went in search of fresh snow. Barrman felt a freedom he’d almost forgot as he cruised the fresh pow. They went to the Bullet and found three runs of amazing fresh turns in the trees.

“Dude, it’s good to be back. after three weeks in Mexico I almost forgot how awesome it is to ride the pow” Barrman laughed with his buddy as they took one last chair to the top.

“It’s all part of living the dream buddy, welcome home.”  Big Boarder grinned at his friend.

Categories: Daily Journal


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