June 15

Published by Victor Barr on

We saw a double rainbow this evening. It was an amazing sight indeed. It filled the sky, it filled our eyes, and it filled our souls. The colours were bright and the rays of the sun lit up the evening to illuminate with reds, blues, and yellows above the valley below. Krista and I walked to the top of the hill to get the full view. I wanted to yell to the world “look at the rainbow!” I pointed at the vista overhead to everyone I saw. At that moment of beauty, I felt a true connection with Mother Nature’s glory.

It was a perfect ending to a day of chaos. A day that started early, yet I was late. I had a job that I was scheduled to be at eight in the morning. I hate being chronically late, yet there I was rolling in at Eight-thirty. I have tried to convert Cal time all my life. Sometimes I am successful, this morning I was not. The building didn’t have the proper paperwork so it was a waste of time anyway. I did get another amazing view of our lake and stood atop the building basking in the morning air. I carried on and went to my next job.

I got signed in to the building and went to go up to the roof. It was at that point I realized that I had forgotten a very important piece of equipment at home. Frustrated I jumped back in my truck and drove back across the bridge to Westbank. It is times like this that I wished I lived a little closer to downtown Ktown. As a bonus, I got to see my kid again before she went back to her moms. I said my goodbye and hugged Marijke as I went out the door and back to my job. It took me until the bridge when I realized I forgot the keys to the building in my pant pocket. Changing pants was not the best move apparently. Determined to get my tasks completed I returned home and got another bonus hug from my kiddo. I got back to the job and finished up late. At least I finished.

Some days go like that. Some days we have smooth sailing, everything goes right. Some days don’t. I know in the big scheme of things two extra drives across the bridge into Kelowna was no big deal. Yet I felt frustration and anger at myself for being so absent-minded. It’s nothing new, my mom used to tell me I would forget my head if it wasn’t attached. Maybe that is why I am late all the time, my head wanders in the clouds.

I was rewarded for my day in the end. The double rainbow shined down on us, the sky filled with joy of mother natures gifts. We all continue to seek that pot of gold that lies somewhere at the bottom of the rainbow.

Categories: Daily Journal


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