January 12, 2024 Happy 18th! Birthday.

The ball of energy squirmed and screamed. Her cries pierced the air with an explosive vibration. I felt her cry echo within my soul. I reached out and her tiny hand grasped my finger. Silence. Time stood still and we stared into each others eyes.  From that moment on I was hers. My heart, my soul, my very being belonged to her. And she to me. The bundle of newborn energy lay there weak and vulnerable. Yet she held a Read more…

January 9, 2024 Ski day

Snow filtered from the skies above and coated the mountain with a blanket of joy. Fifteen centimetres of light fluffy powder added to the previous week of winter wonder. The season started slowly, now with all this new snow, the rocks were finally disappearing. Barrman stared out the window of his sister’s car as they rounded the last curves to Big White Mountain. “Looks pretty sweet out there, even though there isn’t much to see.” “I’m excited despite all the Read more…

January 2, 2023

Anxiety courses through my body and my brain. I feel like a failure and yet I know that is not true.  But still, those feelings persist.  “I hate my life” the words come unbidden to my mouth. Yet how could I even think that? I know the truth is I have an amazing life. I have a wonderful wife, a brilliant daughter, and a beautiful home. I have everything I could possibly need.  Yet I feel lost. Adrift in my Read more…

December 31, 2023 Happy New Year!

“10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – Happy New Year!” Twenty-four people in the restaurant cheered. And with that, we celebrated an end to 2023 and the start of 2024. But wait, it wasn’t quite done yet. There were three more hours to go. It was only new years in New York. or is it new year? Is it supposed to be new years or new year and why is it a capital? Really when we Read more…

December 26, 2023 A long time since my last one

December has flown by in the blink of an Eye. I have been so busy renovating my house that writing a big has felt like an onerous task at the end of the day.  Really, it isn’t that hard.  But still, I sit down from all the work I was doing and stare at the screen.  And get sucked into nothingness. Social media, news sites, and other useless mundane things have taken over my daily blog writing. I wish I Read more…

December 3, 2023 The Tree is up.

Snow fluttered in the sky and the world grew colder by the minute. A winter storm shook the walls and my body felt a shiver pulse through.  Then my daughter smiled and stared at the frozen world. “It’s snowing Dad, time to set up the Christmas Tree,” the energy in her voice changed my mood in a matter of seconds. The snow turned to rain and the world was white no more. None of that mattered though. My kid and Read more…

November 28, 2023 Proud Dad

Time; the most precious commodity we have in life. Time; the one thing we can’t stop from moving. Time; something that I have watched flow through my little girl. A girl who is not so little anymore.  A girl who is racing toward womanhood.  It was such a short time ago I watched her take her first steps. At least it feels that way. And yet it was over fifteen years ago, or was it sixteen? In those days of Read more…

November 15, 2023 Nine Years Ago

I stared at the windows and caught the reflection of the crowd behind me. I couldn’t quite believe it was all so very real. My father sat in the front row, a glow of joy and relief beamed across his face. Behind the families,  our friends stood,  in anticipation.  Anticipation of the event unfolding in front of them. The sun dropped below the horizon. Music echoed through the room.  The stunning sight of a beautiful woman strolled arm and arm Read more…

November 1, 2023 Time flies

They say time flies when you’re having fun. Time also flies when you’re not. As we get older every day seems to blur the lines and pass in a blink of an eye. It seems like only yesterday I was taking my daughter to go trick-or-treating with her friends. We would select a costume for her to wear and I would put on makeup and dress up as a pirate or some other crazy costume. We tried to avoid the Read more…

October 28, 2023 Goodbye my friend

Jason Rapp’s smile would light up a room. His energy and drive was a light in the dark. There were days when he could be a friend to everyone.  And when he shredded the guitar we all stopped in wonder. Now he will shred no more. Jay Wormbox has gone to the other side to dance with the Great Spirit. His spirit lives on in the mystical wonder of the world. And in our memories. I met Jay almost thirty Read more…
