May 25, 2021

After fifteen months of restrictions and fear, we finally have a plan. In our beautiful province of British Columbia, the government has announced a roadmap to return to normal.  I hope they can follow the plan and we can return to normal on September 7. Meanwhile, people in Manitoba are Read more…

May 21, 2021

Springtime in the Okanagan burst forth this week.  Sunshine and blue sky embraced the world below and it was time to stop and smell the flowers blooming in our wonderful valley. May long weekend arrived and there was a vibrant feeling of renewal filling the air.  After a couple of Read more…

May 15, 2021

It was time to plant the garden. Life is quite a bit different than it was a mere one year ago. The local nursery was crazy busy and things have been going full steam ahead. Feelings of anxiety and stress have taken over last year’s feeling of peace in spite Read more…
