April 9, 2022 The Jon Bos Band Rocks

Published by Victor Barr on

I arrived at my mountain home for the last weekend in the ski season of 2021-22. My wife was already there and our friend Karen accompanied me to spend the last day on the hill. It has been a season to remember, a season that lacked snow but had a lot of sunshine. The last weekend saw the world coated with one last blast of winter. No spring skiing on this April weekend.

Nothing mattered except the fact we made it to the end without shutting down. 

We made it… 

All the usual suspects were there at Snowshoe Sam’s – Crispie and Cookster, Braffster and his wife Vi, Robin and Jesse’s Girl, Jackie, Mullyman, and his honey Evey made it out for an evening of music. We all gathered at the bar to celebrate the opening of the world and the closing of Big White.

What a celebration it was.

Jon Bos and his band were there to connect us with the passion for music. 

It was inspiring seeing the people smiling, laughing, and singing. Despite a wonky wrist, Jon gave it his all and the musical melodies flowed like a river of sound to engulf the people who gathered at the mountain bar. Thousands of soles have danced across the wooden floor of Snowshoe Sam’s and into the history of the iconic bar. Thousand of souls have been touched by the music of so many bands before. 

On this night it was the soles of all our friends who danced to the rocking rhythm of the Jon Bos Band. On this night our souls were warmed by the magical melodies of the men who played their hearts out.

Vi and Jon’s wife Li danced across the floor and lost themselves to the music. Song after song crashed over us like waves of joy. It was an incredible way to end our season of snow riding at 5700 feet. I smiled and laughed as the ladies moved their bodies to the music, captured by the melody they grooved into the night. 

Joy filled the room as song after song lifted our spirits with a musical experience to bring us all together. 

Despite the pain of a beaten body, Cookster and Crispie moved to the music on the dance floor. All of us have some pain inside, but the music erased all the aches and soothed our battered bodies. The magical melody of music has healing powers that transcend everything.

As the music connected us, we never wanted it to end. But end it must.

The next day we have one more chance to ride the slopes to enjoy some final turns in a season to remember. 

We were all so glad to be together to celebrate that ending and a new beginning. As the clock struck midnight we said goodnight and headed off to bed. First chair would be there before we knew it and we wanted to rest well for that last day. 

Contented and satisfied we said one last goodbye. Jon played another set and Braffster stayed with Vi to soak up every minute of it all.

I wondered how many of our friends we would see in the morning – only a few short hours later. Most of us are over fifty and the days of partying into the night and being there for first chair was slipping away. Somehow I think they’ll all be there…

Categories: Daily Journal


Jon · April 16, 2022 at 10:59 am

Love being one of your muses.

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