January 30, 2022

Published by Victor Barr on

I got sucked down the rabbit hole of facebook again.

I hate it when that happens. 

Why can’t people be respectful and not threatening? Why can it be so easy for people who called you a friend to turn around and call you an idiot because you don’t agree on something? 

I am very close to deleting facebook from my world. It would be less time wasted, that’s for sure.

But there are people in facebook land I like. It is an easy way to stay connected with people all over the world. It’s too bad it gets hijacked by politics and division.

I am not sure why so many people think its ok to call names or insult people using the keyboard when they would never say things like that to your face. 

I am skeptical of all sides in this debate. I don’t like the vaccine mandates or the passports but I also believe that the vaccine is the best way out of the pandemic. I am not sure the truckers are doing the right thing and I don’t like how it is affecting the supply chains. Yet I agree with many of the posts and it is cool to see so many Canadian flags. I wish the other flags wouldn’t rear their ugly head.

It is time for it to end, there is over 80 percent of the population that has been vaccinated. I can’t force the others to change their minds and if they want to live with the risk that is their choice. 

Too bad it’s our health care workers and hospitals that are left as the final line of defense. 

The numbers are there, the case counts are very high. So is the death count. 

I have stayed engaged in facebook land and may continue to do so… I want to keep the positive stuff going. But the next time someone says I am an idiot because I don’t agree with them I will unfriend them and be done with it. Who needs friends like that anyway?

Time to go out into the real world and do things I can control. 

Stay safe everyone and stay sane.

Categories: Daily Journal


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