October 31, 2021

Published by Victor Barr on

The old man couldn’t believe his eyes. The creature walking up the front drive was terrifying, it was covered in rags.

And blood.

The man stood there and held his breath. What was this phantom he was watching stagger toward him? Across the street, he saw another sight that chilled his bones and froze his mind. It was a witch and a goblin running down the street. She was chasing the green long-eared creature down the road, a cackling laugh emanated from her lips.

Eerie sounds echoed in the cold air. The night was alive with creatures from another realm. 

A sudden howl froze his movement as he turned to go back into the house. The entire block was turning on its head and he swore the evil spirits had been unleashed from the depths of hell.

The undead creature walked closer, holding out a cloth bag. It walked toward him and he froze, his blood curdled and his heart stopped in his throat. 

What could this apparition want? Was it after his blood or did it want his soul? The man turned and looked to his left. Was that a ghost sneaking through the trees?

He grabbed for his door and opened it. A sensation of being watched overpowered his body and his mind. He couldn’t remember how he got here. Why was the road filled with all these strange creatures…

Were they after him? 

With a sudden movement, the creature opened its mouth to speak. 

Unsure what to do he stood on the edge of the step. He felt like he was on the edge of an abyss.

“Trick or treat!” Came the chant from the blood-soaked demon as it came up to the front step. It was echoed by the ghost that appeared from beside the doorway. The ghost must have snuck up when he wasn’t looking.

He was confused.


“Trick? I have no treats, wha – what are you? And what do you want with me?” He stood and faced the image in front of him. 

He could see it clearer now. It was only a boy, maybe ten or twelve. What possibly could have happened to this strange child? Did someone attack him? 

Across the road, more children ran from house to house. They were wearing a vast assortment of unusual costumes. 

What could this be?

The blood-covered boy’s voice broke his thoughts, “Trick? I have no tricks, you are supposed to have a treat for me. What kind of trick would you like?” The boy glanced left at the ghost beside him. The scar on his face grew longer as he laughed.

The old man searched his mind for a reason for what was happening. He was visiting his daughter and her two kids. They brought him home from the safe room he was used to.

Everything felt upside down. 

“Dad, it’s ok Dad.” His daughter’s voice pierced his fear. he looked around and tried to remember where he was.

“Honey, he looks like he needs help. But he just asked for a trick or treat. I thought maybe he was the trick.”

“Oh Dad it’s ok,” She laughed, “it’s Halloween and they’re trick or treaters.” His daughter came out the door and smiled at him. He felt safer when he saw her. “Come in the house Dad, they are having fun,” She turned her attention to the kids on the step, ” here you two creatures, I have some candy in the bowl for you.”

“I’m sorry hon, I forgot about Halloween. I forget everything, except… your mother, I still remember her smile. It’s all I can remember, it seems.” With an effort, he grabbed the door frame and slowly stepped into the house. 

“Oh Dad, Mom’s been gone for ten years. Do you want to go back to Cottonwoods now? Or do you think you can stay with us for the night?” She reached out and wrapped her arm around his tired shoulders. 

“No, it’s ok sweetie. I can stay, thanks. Halloween eh? I had a scare there.” He chuckled and smiled at his daughter as another group of ghouls and goblins ran up to the door. 

“I might as well enjoy every minute as it comes, I won’t remember it tomorrow.” he muttered wryly to himself.

The old man knew he was nearing the end of a long life. At least he could remember his wife, all the rest didn’t seem to matter. 

1 Comment

Louise · November 6, 2021 at 10:22 am

Good one!

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