October 27, 2021

Published by Victor Barr on

John looked at the restaurant as he drove past. He remembered times from not so long ago when he could just walk into the entrance, sit down and grab a cold beer with his buddy. That was before this whole pandemic thing blew up.

Now he is one of those that have been told to stay away, he’s not safe. No passport, no beer.

He isn’t ready for the vaccine. 

One day he thinks he will get it, maybe. But he wants all the trials to be done first. He remembers the stories from Africa where the polio vaccine went horribly wrong. John also has a friend that is fervently against the vaccine. His friend is pretty convincing. But so are many of his other friends that have been vaccinated.

John hates all the division that has occurred because of it. 

John also hates that he no longer can walk into the pub and sit down for a cold one. He didn’t like wearing a mask before but now he has been banned. He understands why they have done it, he doesn’t agree but he understands. Why couldn’t the government come up with a system of rapid testing? If someone doesn’t have covid why can’t they just get tested and be allowed inside. 

All the mixed messages are also making John frustrated. If the people with vaccines are safe, why do they have to continue to wear a mask? If the vaccines work why are there so many restrictions and concerns? What about places like Isreal where almost everyone is vaccinated but the spread of covid is increasing. 

What about freedom?

John never considered himself an anti-vaxxer. He just isn’t sure about this vaccine, it happed so fast. His anti-vax buddy keeps warning him that the full effects aren’t known yet. John has decided to sit this one out. He won’t go to the restaurant, he will stay at home and stay safe. He will wear his mask and keep his distance from strangers.

But he will still hug his friends. 

At least those that will hug him back. John longs for the days before covid. Days when people could gather for a Business After Five and mingle. Will those days ever return?

He sure hopes so.

His biggest concern is if he does get the big bad covid and he ends up in the hospital he doesn’t want to take away a bed that was needed for someone with cancer. He lost his wife to cancer just before the stupid pandemic took over the world – and the airwaves. But people are still getting cancer. If the world had been as concerned with fighting cancer as it is with fighting covid would his wife still be… no he can’t even think that.

Stupid doctors anyway.

They practice medicine, they have not perfected it. 

Now he will wait for the results to come in. He will stay healthy by using vitamins and minerals to boost his immune system. John will do his best to stay in top health, if the virus does get him, he is confident that he will be fine. It has struck those with weak immune systems and it has killed the elderly and weak. He doesn’t consider himself either of those. 

But the pressure has increased from all sides. Get the vaccine he is told from all fronts. Does it make him a bad person because he doesn’t want to put something in his body he doesn’t trust? Does it make him evil? 

John can’t wait for this all to end. Maybe one day he will get the vaccine when he knows it’s safe. Until then he will wait and see. He will live his life to the fullest and continue to be the best he can be.

Categories: Daily Journal


Jim Fry · November 1, 2021 at 8:25 am

John sure sounds like Jim 🙂

    Victor Barr · November 1, 2021 at 9:10 am

    All names have been changed to protect the innocent.

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