June 7

Sunday morning came again. I returned to the garden and finished the painful therapy of weeding that I began last week. My back complained silently as I removed the weeds that infected our garden. If only I could remove the weeds that infect our world. Thirteen days ago a black American was murdered by a police officer while three others stood by and watched it happen. Americans erupted in protest, riots occurred and America still burns. Canada has had its Read more…

June 6

We slept in today. It was pretty nice to sleep until after 9 am. I don’t miss working six or seven days a week at this time of year. Rolling into action I cooked bacon and eggs and went outside to cut the lawn. Today I had a tour booked on Luxury Lake Tours unfortunately they cancelled. Thankfully they were ok with a credit. Some people aren’t ready yet because of covid. We are ready to take people on the Read more…

June 5

I have written this journal every day for two and a half, almost three months. I have been on quite the streak. The most difficult thing I find is keeping it fresh and interesting for myself and for anyone who reads it. My days have returned to a state of normal, our lives are returning to normal as well. Traffic is much the same as pre-covid and people seem to be over the pandemic. In a couple weeks we will Read more…

June 4

Today was a good day. Any day I can ride my motorcycle to go out on my boat is a very good day. Too bad it started so early. I am not used to getting up at 530am. I set my alarm and managed to get out the door by 6:15. I was taking my boss out on the water with his girlfriend to go fishing and take a three-hour tour. Okanagan Lake was calm and the sun was shining Read more…

June 3

Time after covid is traveling in increments for me, in milestones. I am now two months past my fiftieth birthday. I feel younger in some ways than I have in twenty-five. In others I feel every minute of my fifty years and two months. Today was a good day; the boat is on the slip. I got home and turned on the computer. I went down the rabbit hole again. I have a hate, love relationship with facebook. I love Read more…

June 2

It was time to launch Serendipity. Today I managed to take the Luxury Lake Tours boat to the water. It was time to get it on the slip. We have a tour booked and life feels more normal than it has in months. After our test run Friday everything checked out. I was on a solo mission today. It was a calm, cloudy, warm day, what could go wrong? Plenty… First stop before the launch was for fuel. I drove Read more…

June 1

June is here! The last two and a half months inched along in a flash. This will truly be a spring to remember and one that some people would just as soon forget. We have reached a milestone and another stage in the reopening of our economy. More pubs and restaurants have opened their doors. We have more choices to eat out or go for a drink. Tonight to celebrate some happy news from the accountant we walked to Whiskey Read more…

May 31 Racial Tensions in America

America is on fire. America is burning with the flames of another chapter in its centuries-old battle between black and white. The media has taken a break from the non-stop coverage of covid19. Our news media has been hijacked by the riots in the wake of the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the police. There have been six days of protests in all the major cities of the US. These protests have turned violent and fires are Read more…

Victor Calvin Barr part 3

In 2005 I had enough of the rat race that was Calgary. After the high and low of the Stanley Cup Playoffs in 2004, they canceled the season in 2004-2005. A repeat playoff run in the spring of 2005 was not to be. I met Joanne just after the new year and we started dating. I never fell in love with Joanne. After all my failures at love, I felt I needed to give the relationship a chance to bloom. Read more…

May 30

Last night was a late one. We sat on our friend’s deck looking at the view and listening to tunes. Our kids were in our basement having a sleepover. After relentless pursuit for a sleepover, I finally gave in. The kids pulled an all-nighter. I made it until three am. I slept in to wake up to a fat head and low motivation. The kids were supposed to sleep in tents in the back yard. There was a forecast with Read more…
