June 29

Our cat followed us on our walk today; she is getting lonely. We have traveled a bit in the last three weeks. I can’t imagine how she would have felt if we went away for twenty-six days to Europe like we planned on. Snowbee cried as we walked back up Read more…

June 28

Strange random dreams teased my sleep. I awoke in the darkness, in a strange room, an uneasy feeling seeped inside. Time was an illusion; we had no clock and no light. Awareness dawned on my consciousness. We had no coffee. I lay there in a state of awakening nerves and Read more…

June 27

We awoke to sunshine and clear skies. The wind had died in the night and it looked like it was going to be a beautiful day in paradise. I fired up the computer and saw the storm warnings. Thunderstorms were forecast for the Okanagan Valley. I knew that I needed Read more…

June 26

We cut across the waves, the swells were deep and the bow broke heavily through the troughs. Water crashed over the helm and soaked my shirt. Adrenaline rushed through my veins as we headed for shelter from the wind. I trusted my boat and my skill, yet fear was there Read more…

June 23

We awoke to a modern tragedy today. The internet was down! My wife would have a hard time working and I would have a hard time going to my Tuesday Zoom meeting. First world problems abounded and we felt out of sorts, lost. I had just experienced life without internet Read more…

June 22

Home and back to work again today. Traffic was surprisingly light crossing the bridge as I cruised to my destination on my bike. Life felt normal after my escape to the Kootenays. I yearned for that simplicity yet I fear the disconnection it brought. I was on another roof overlooking Read more…

June 21

It was Father’s Day today. I was sitting at a picnic table beside the river in Kettle River Provincial Park. The sound of the water gurgling by, and the birds singing in the surrounding trees brought a sense of calm to my soul. The incessant mosquitos gave my body fits. Read more…

June 20

The last few days off the grid feel like they passed by in a haze. A paddle on the river was my highlight. Connecting with my brother and his family was a rewarding experience. Living in his chaos was difficult and gave me a desire to do something to help. Read more…
