Sept 24

The world of Zoom feels in some ways like an alternate reality. Everyone sits in their little box waiting their turn to speak. I don’t like the new reality of Zoom meetings. I find it hard to stay engaged and hard to connect with the other people in the meeting. Read more…

September 23 2020

Six months have passed in the shadow of a new viral infection that slowed the world. A pandemic that sounded like panic and to some more like plandemic. The panic seems to have eased even though the number of cases is far higher than when we went into lockdown in Read more…

Sept 20

This week was the longest week of the summer. It was summer of chaos and adventure, a summer for the history books. Now summer is coming to an end. I couldn’t have picked a better ending than to be on a boat, cruising the crystal clear waters of Okanagan Lake. Read more…

Sept 10

The moonlight gleamed upon the waters of Okanagan Lake. We held hands and wandered the peaceful shoreline in the town of Peachland. We connected in the silence of the evening as darkness enveloped the aquatic mirror in front of us. It was a moment of beauty, peace, and serenity that Read more…
