May 17, 2023

The sun glowed in the distance. It was a red ball in the sky, shrouded in smoke. Smoke that covered vast tracks of Western Canada. The heat simmered in the valley and it felt like your typical August day. Except this was Mid-May. Northern Alberta is a blaze and the Read more…

April 27, 2023

Spring is in the air. Finally. The weather has been warming up all week and the days are getting longer.  Time marches on.  I find myself trying to keep life busy and my days happy. Yesterday I was on a roof in Penticton and it was beautiful outside. The sun Read more…

4 20 23

Four twenty was celebrated in Canada. It is a day that weed smokers everywhere rejoice in the legality of their herbal enjoyment.  It wasn’t always that way. If someone had told me ten years ago that Canada would legalize the demon weed, I would have laughed at the thought. Yet Read more…
