September 6, 2024 Political Mess in BC and Canada

Published by Victor Barr on

It was just over a week ago that Kevin Falcon arbitrarily pulled the plug on the political ambitions of 93 BC United Party candidates for the upcoming provincial election. Some people might not feel it was arbitrary given the polls which indicated they were doomed for defeat.

It certainly was unprecedented.

And very undemocratic. 

Kevin Falcon finished what he started two years when he changed the name of the provincial Liberal Party to the BC United. He tore it down and closed shop.

The Liberal/United leader saw that he was in trouble and that there was a risk that voters would turn away from his party and go further to the right and vote for the rejuvenated BC Conservative Party. Yet he never consulted the party members or the candidates who were selected and spent their time and energy attempting to get elected.

I have spoken to some people who think this was a good move on the part of Mr. Falcon. They suggest the need to remove the NDP from power outweighs the underhanded nature that this took place. 

Personally, I think it was a terrible way to run from a fight. In the riding of West Kelowna Peachland Stephen Johnston has been working hard on behalf of the BC United Party to become our representative in the legislature. It was totally unfair to him and his volunteers to pull the rug out from under him without any warning. And then they chose to ignore him after they made this decision. 

It stinks to high heaven.

I am left wondering who in good conscience I can support in the upcoming election. Stephen Johnston has worked hard for my community and while I don’t agree with everything he stands for I support his work ethic and desire to do the best job possible. The other candidate that is running in my riding so far is Macklin McCall a former RCMP member, that in itself I find troubling, his view of our province and the views of the Conservative Party is not in sync with my personal views.

At least there were some people who are trying to save what’s left of the estwhile liberal party. It was announced they would still be running candidates in the upcoming fall election. It is a confusing time for the people of BC. Who do people in the middle vote for now?

The Green Party is a shell of itself after Andrew Weaver left and the NDP has made a mess of things for tourism and the economy. 

At one time I thought I would like to pursue a career in politics. Boy am I glad I chose not to follow that path in life.

Politics is a complete mess nowadays. 

The best I can hope for would be a Conservative Party with a minority government and the Greens holding the balance of power.

Don’t laugh too hard at that suggestion.

Federally we are in worse shape.

The Liberals have been running the country into the ground for nine years now. Well at least according to the Cons they have been. I’m not sure about that. We have statistically been doing better than most G7 countries. Yet everything is Trudeau’s fault. 

Not that I think he’s done a bang-up job. 

I can’t believe I miss Jean Chretien. At least the country was in a lot better shape under his leadership. Even Stephen Harper doesn’t look that bad. 

In the near future we could be faced with another no-win election federally now that the NDP has pulled its unwavering support of the ruling Libs. At least that is what Mr PP and the Cons are hoping for with the ax the tax slogans.

I think I’m just going to go boating and hope for the best in this crazy mixed up world. Everything looks better from the lake.


Categories: Daily Journal


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