August 24, 2024

Published by Victor Barr on

It has been a busy summer for me and the world has spun out of control.

At least it feels that way.

I’ve stopped my daily posts and my posts have become few and far between. For those who read my blog regularly, I apologize. It’s not like I don’t have anything to write about. I just don’t seem to have the time.

But the truth is I’ve fallen into the rabbit hole of daily living. 

It’s much easier to doom scroll and read stupid posts on facecrack than it is to sit and write. After the break we all took during covid I thought I could keep up with my blog and create a new life as a writer. 

But then life started to cost more. 

I had to work. I told myself I needed to make money and fix my house. I had so many excuses not to write, I believed them. The reality is I was so tired after working all day and being so busy I had nothing left to write. 

Or maybe that’s just another excuse.

Now I sit here know that I should be moving on with my day. I have a family reunion to go to. We were supposed to leave yesterday. But it took so long to get the camper on the truck and everything organized we decided to stay home.

Now the rain tumbles down outside my door and I sip my coffee delaying my next move. It feels good watching my fingers pulse over the keyboard. I feel a connection that has been missing these past few months. 

Summer is coming to an end. I hope that it will give me more time to sit and tap away at the threads of communication and connection.

All I can do is make sure I take the time to glue my ass to the keyboard and find the therapy with it. It’s time to write again.

My book needs to be published, and my next one written. A blog every week. I have lofty goals.

Now I need to follow through. 

I intend to be back here at least once a week. I hope you will be as well. 

Now it’s time to get my ass in gear and get out of here. We have a family reunion to attend after all.

Categories: Daily Journal


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