February 24, 2022

Published by Victor Barr on


It’s something I never expected to see in Europe in the 21st century, I was brought back to when I was a kid living under the shadow of the cold war. Russian troops crossed the border into Ukraine and the world holds its breath. When I was young it was something we always feared, Russian troops crossing the border. 

In a time when war should become obsolete, we have a country flexing its military might and sending young men to die.

For what?

Covid has been bumped from the news and now we watch in horror as jets bomb cities in Europe. Vladimir Putin has framed this invasion as a liberatio of sorts. The Russian military is poised to annex its neighbour. And the combined might of the so-called free world sits on its hands. Talking tough and threatening sanctions. Like sanctions will stop a bully from its goal.

But how different is this from the US invasion of Iraq?

Except that was about oil, this is about Uranium and many other natural resource that Ukraine has in its borders.

It all seems so surreal.

What else can go wrong in the world?

No matter what happens this is wrong on so many levels. Meanwhile China sits on it hands and watches the world implode.

The American President Joe Biden has been warning that Russia was going to invade Ukraine for weeks now. Why didn’t he step up and threaten them with severe consequences if they did? The UN has wagged its finger at the Russians but they appear weak and ineffective. Unfortunately so does President Biden. 

Where have all the great leaders gone?

Why have so many countries elected the mediocre and the bland to run their country? Is it because they are easily controlled by the people really running the show? There doesn’t appear to be anyone that can stand up to Putin and his tyranny. 

And in Canada we have a convoy of people claiming what we have here is tyrrany. What a joke. Our PM is so weak he can’t even stand up to a bunch of disgruntled Candians, let alone the worst dictator of the 21st century.

Sad days.

I feel sick to my stomach as I watch the reports of the invasion. When will it end? When can we find a way to share love and peace and end the fear and hate…

It’s probably time to turn off the news. 

But even with the news turned off it will go on. I hope for the people of Ukraine to survive this dark night. I hope for the people of Canada to unite in the face of division.

All I can do is be kind to those I meet and share love with my friends and family. Pray for the people less fortunate, pray for the people of Ukraine, Russia and the world.

Categories: Daily Journal


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