Oct 3

Published by Victor Barr on

Warm sunshine glowed down upon us as Indian summer continued into October. We sat in the bow of Serendipity soaking in the glory of it all. My Sister, her husband, my daughter, my wife, and I basked in the heat of the afternoon. A connection long coming, it was good to get some family time on the water.

It was an escape from the world around us. I was glad to relax, to feel the warmth of the sun and the warmth of my family. It was so warm my brother-in-law and I went for a swim. I was invigorated and refreshed. We were thrilled with the purity of the moment as we plunged into the cold waters of Okanagan Lake.

All around us the fear of a second wave of the viral enemy is sweeping across the eastern parts of our nation. Cases of Covid19 have been steadily increasing. In Quebec, areas are going back into lockdown. In Ontario, cases are increasing but they are holding on, hoping to keep the worst of the virus at bay.

We sat on the boat and stayed in the moment. The moment we live for.

Now Donald Trump and his wife Melania have contracted the disease. An upheaval, a raucous reaction has occurred. I have avoided the chaos of the internet, accusation, and speculations abound. Will the president live? Will he even get very sick? The reality of our viral foe may be sinking in with our friends south of the border. Or will he recover and claim it isn’t bad at all, nothing to worry about. Strange times…

Tomorrow morning I will go back onto the lake. I will go seeking a lake lunker in the morning and bring friends on the later in the afternoon. I hope to catch a fish, I know I will catch some rays.

Life is too short to be sucked into the rabbit hole of fear. Facebook, Twitter, and all the other social media outlets inundate us with covid news. Invade our feeds with the latest sensationalistic story. I wish no ill health to the POTUS or FLOTUS. But in some small way, I hope he feels the full wrath of the viral nemesis. I hope lessons are learned and we can survive to thrive again.

Another glorious day has ended in our peaceful corner of the world. Satiated with seeing family I have not seen in some time. I can focus on the moments in life that are important and let go of things I have no control over.

I hope that the American people can find peace. More people need to stop and breathe in the world around them. Let go of fear, let go of hate. Embrace love, love of family, friends, and the natural world around us.


Categories: Daily Journal


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