April 26

Published by Victor Barr on

Sunday again, I feel like I am tracking life on the number of Sundays since time stood still. Time can’t stand still no matter how much we would want it to. Time is the most precious thing we experience and yet none of us can truly own it. I never used to have enough time, now I look to find  better use of it.


Our Sunday morning lazed again, we had big plans, things to do; fishing, biking, yard work. We decided to do something fun and ride the motorcycle to Krista’s parents for a visit on the deck. Krista’s mom asked us to bring them a roast chicken for lunch. Our plan settled, we strapped on our helmets and mounted my steel beast.


I have always felt a great connection to the world around me when I ride my bike. With my wife on the back I need to reign myself in and resist the temptation to open up the throttle. I will never live down the day I rode 180km an hour with her on the back. It was our first road trip together and we needed to make the ferry in order to get where we were going on time. Ten years later she still reminds me of that day. Ten years later she’s still with me.


We stopped at the downtown Safeway to pick up the chicken and some salads for lunch. At first glance the line-up looked fairly long. Upon further investigation the line was merely spaced two metres apart. Safeway was the best store we have seen so far doing the social distance directions. There were arrows on the floor in the aisle showing which direction to walk. People were still walking the wrong way down the aisle; can’t force people to follow the rules I guess. Back on the bike we cruised on up to the in-laws.


Family is important all the time. Krista hasn’t been able to see her family much due to self-isolation and the fear of infection. She is mostly worried for her parents who are in their eighties.  A nice visit on the deck with her parents was followed by a visit to her brother and sister in-law. Connected with her family again, we felt good and cruised back home. Home is our safe place and I felt a certain sense of security as we rode the last piece of pavement to our driveway.


We went for our daily walk again. East, sleep, walk repeat. Dairy Queen is a nice twenty minute walk and a good destination to head for. As we left our house we ran into a neighbour looking for their cat. We haven’t seen them since we celebrated New Years together. I invited them to join our walk to Dairy Queen, they declined but agreed when this is done we will have a big shaker of a neighbourhood party.


Walking down our hill I suggested to my honey that we should ask someone to join our walk. I am a social animal, an extrovert and I am getting desperate for human interaction. We stopped at Bryce and Tina’s and I phoned them to ask if they wanted to come to DQ.  Apparently just ringing someone’s doorbell is not done anymore. The last second invite worked and they joined our little adventure to the Dairy Queen drive-thru. Accompanied by Mystique the mutt we wandered down the road. Walking with a dog added a little extra energy and fun to our walk. I draw from the animal energy of our canine companion. Our delicious ice-cream treat savoured we walked back up the hill for home.


We sit here enjoying the sights and rocking musical sounds of The Song Remains The Same. Led Zeppelin will always fill my whole being with melodious rapture. I easily get lost in the hypnotic rhythms of Jimmy Pages guitar riffs, the head bopping, toe tapping fist pumping energy of John Bonham and John Paul Jones and the lyrical magic of Robert Plant.  A great way to end the day.


Categories: Daily Journal


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